[Courses] So - are we moving on?

Michelle Murrain tech at murrain.net
Mon Feb 11 16:51:06 EST 2002


Friday was the deadline for the first 3 chapters of the book. Are we ready 
to move on to the next set of 3 chapters? How are people doing. Feeling 
comfortable, etc.? I know some questions have come up, gotten answered. 
Next chapters: 4 - basic declarations and expressions, 5 - arrays, and 6 - 
decision and control structures. Yay!

And, again, this is a newbie course - no question is too simple.

I've been hanging out on #c channel of the linuxchix IRC server, come on by...


Michelle Murrain
tech at murrain.net
AIM/Yahoo Messenger:pearlbear0
http://www.murrain.net/ for pgp public key

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