[Courses] comparing threads

Kathryn Hogg kjh at flyballdogs.com
Sat Feb 9 19:12:48 EST 2002

> Hi all, how do one compare thread ids?  (without overloading the
> comparison functions...that'll be too much)  I just realised that the
> operands cannot compare type pthread_t, and I'm having a hard time
> figuring it out since I need to compare thread id to a table of ids
> (comprised of linked list).  Any suggestion? --Rei


pthread_t *tid1 = ....;
pthread_t *tid2 = .....;

if (memcmp(tid1, tid2, sizeof(pthread_t) == 0) {
cout << "they are equal" << endl;
} else {
cout << "they are not equal" << endl;

of course, I would just overload in C++:

inline bool operator == (const pthread_t &t1, const pthread_t &t2)
return memcmp(&t1, &t2) == 0;


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