[Courses] [Security] Firewalls: Ipchains syntax and implementation

Hamster hamster at hamsternet.org
Sat Apr 13 01:22:27 EST 2002


> 	With Linux, some dhcp clients do and some don't, I think.  I'm
> not terribly experienced with this one, since the only *nix workstations
> tended to be the admin boxes with static IPs.  Anyone with more
> experience care to comment?

Please dont for a minute think that my responding to this means I am experienced :)
But I have found that the choice of dhcp client can make a difference. The two I know of are dhcpcd (client daemon) and one called pump. I am a loyal pump fan, as a lot of dhcp probs I've had have been solved by swapping to pump. Including problems about not having leases renewed.

Its such a personal thing, but for me dhcp is the way to go. Esp now with DDNS.

> 00:41:38.599362 > icmp: echo request (DF)

Does the DF here mean dont fragment? Or maybe dont feed, or dirty feet ;-)

> > A bastion host would be another expense

A what host? Even a url to explain this one would be helpful :)

Looking forward to Reading Ravens Mind part II. (I've heard about being in two minds about something... :) 


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