[Courses] [Security] Firewalls: Ipchains syntax and implementation

Malcolm-Rannirl rannirl-lc at otherkin.net
Mon Apr 8 16:28:12 EST 2002

My dumb questions for the day. :)

> > > One machine goes on, and becomes the gateway for everything
> > > else in the company.

> >         Er -- surely you mean is the IP that
> >represents the entire /24 netblock.

I was actually meaning to ask someone about this. Why is the .0 address 
special? (We have a server at work that's at, which I'm guessing 
from the above is a bad thing).

It also never quite understood the "/n" part of a.b.c.d/n. It's probably 
fairly simple, but I've not seen an explanation.


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