[Announce] GNOME Outreach Program for Women internships: May 23 to August 22, 2011 (applications close April 8)

Mary Gardiner mary at puzzling.org
Thu Mar 17 03:23:08 UTC 2011

(I'm not affiliated with this project, I just thought it was appropriate to
share with LinuxChix. Please see below for contact details.)

----- Forwarded message from Marina Zhurakhinskaya <marinaz at redhat.com> -----

From: Marina Zhurakhinskaya <marinaz at redhat.com>
To: gnome-women-list <gnome-women-list at mail.gnome.org>
Subject: [gnome-women] Outreach Program for Women internships

Hi all!

The eight GNOME Outreach Program for Women interns have just completed their internships! Congratulations to everyone on the job well done! We definitely hope this was a great experience for you and you will stay involved in GNOME!

We have opened the application process for the new round of internships. The dates for these internships are May 23 to August 22, 2011. These dates match the ones for the Google Summer of Code program, so I would like to encourage women who qualify for Google Summer of Code to apply for both programs. Google Summer of Code requires applicants to be students applying for coding projects, while Outreach Program for Women internships are open to non-students and non-coders. For example, three out of eight interns last round were non-students, and two others worked on the Documentation Project.

The application deadline is April 8, 2011. As part of the application process, we are asking women to take the time to learn about the participating projects and make a small contribution to the one they are interested in. These projects include ones in programming, graphic design, documentation, and marketing.

All the program details are here:

We also have an awesome flyer for the program that was designed and updated by Máirín Duffy:

Please consider applying for the internship, signing up as a mentor, or helping us spread the word! Send the information about the program to the universities and organizations, post the flyer on the university campuses or hand it out at conferences, encourage anyone who'd be a good candidate to apply, or write an update on Identi.ca, Twitter or Facebook!

All the materials for helping us spread the word are here:

Thank you!

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