[Announce] Haecksen miniconf schedule (Mon Jan 16) announced
Mary Gardiner
mary at puzzling.org
Thu Dec 29 08:42:48 UTC 2011
Hi all,
The Haecksen miniconf @ linux.conf.au schedule has been announced!
== Schedule ==
The miniconf will be on Monday Jan 16 in Ballarat. It includes talks by Sara
Falamaki, Valerie Aurora, Mary Gardiner and Sarah Novotny, and a panel
including Pia Waugh, Selena Deckelmann, Leslie Hawthorn and Danni Madeley.
You can find the schedule at http://haecksen.net/haecksen-schedule-2011
== Attending ==
The miniconf is open to those registered to attend linux.conf.au. Registration
information is at http://linux.conf.au/register/prices
== Thanks ==
Thanks to Lana Brindley, the organiser of the Haecksen miniconf in 2012.
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