[Announce] "Female Participation in the Italian FLOSS World", 19th September 2010, Perugia (PG - Italy)

Francesca Ciceri madamezou at yahoo.it
Mon Sep 13 06:37:07 UTC 2010

The Debian Women project [1] is pleased to announce that, during the
Debian/Ubuntu Italian Community Conference (DUCC-IT for short), there will be
a round table discussion about "Female Participation in the Italian FLOSS
At the round table will participate members from both Debian Women and Ubuntu
Women: all female contributors, users and enthusiast of Free and Open Source
Software and all persons who want to encourage the presence of women in Floss
are invited to attend.

The main goal of the event is to do a brainstorming on the current italian
situation of female contributors and users of FLOSS and to share ideas, create
bonds and networks between the different groups and associations who operate
in this field.

More information and logistical details are avalaible on the Debian wiki [2]
or directly on the conference website (in Italian) [3].

For every question about the round table, feel free to send a mail at the Debian Women
local contact Francesca Ciceri (madamezou at yahoo dot it).

[1] http://women.debian.org
[2] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianItalia/MiniDebconf2010
[3] http://www.fsugitalia.org/eventi/doku.php?id=duccit10

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