[Announce] LinuxChix Coordinator IRC chat: May 28, 0900 UTC, #linuxchix

Mary Gardiner coordinator at linuxchix.org
Fri May 25 00:03:31 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I'm planning to begin IRC chats with the LinuxChix community
approximately fortnightly. Each chat will last for an hour. The idea of
the chats is to just for everyone to be able to talk about the LinuxChix
community: who is doing what, what we've achieved recently, what we'd
like to achieve in the near future. There will be no formal agenda.

The first such chat will be held in the IRC channel #linuxchix on the
server irc.linuxchix.org. The chat will be held from 0900 UTC on May 28
for an hour. (Please keep in mind that this is still Sunday in a very
few locations!) To find out your local time, please see

I realise this time is bad for people in North and South America and
that some people in Europe may be working and not able to get online.
The chats will be moved around in the week and in time so that
periodically most people will have a chance to take part. I will post
summaries of the chats, but logs will NOT be made available.

If you're not familiar with IRC, see
http://www.linuxchix.org/irc-beginners.html and I recommend trying to
get on IRC prior to the event itself so that you don't miss it.


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