[Announce] Eclectic Tech Carnival - July 07 - Linz/Austria

Aileen Derieg a.derieg at eliot.at
Fri Apr 13 10:34:43 UTC 2007

O p e n   C a l l

"Eclectic Tech Carnival" /A/ Linz

11-15 July 2007

The "Eclectic Tech Carnival" is calling all women to participate in the 6th
annual /Eclectic Tech Carnival in Linz. A unique computer skill-share. A
several day-night carnival of exchanging computer related skills for women by
women. For the first time, we will hold 2 /etcs in the same year, one in Linz
and one in Brasil. This is the first information on Linz, Brasil will follow
soon. In Linz, the "Eclectic Tech Carnival" will be focusing on themes of
gender, technology and art. Along with workshops on critical ways of dealing
with everyday technologies, there will also be space for women to be
politically, creatively, performatively, artistically active. With this Open
Call we look for workshops, worklabs, lectures, public interventions 
and performances.

What we can offer:

- - a skilled preparational local team:
women from servus.at, maiz, stadtwerkstatt with international
support from the /etc-developers team, creating a sparkling
atmosphere for exchange and learning

- - infrastructure with good working places and equipment
- - good and affordable food
- - free accomodation
- - some money for workshops, worklabs, lectures, public
interventions, performances

Please feel free to contact us at any time starting immediately.

email address: info at eclectictechcarnival.org
Contacts: http://www.eclectictechcarnival.org/contact.html

P r o g r a m m e
Thematic focal points:

R e g i s t r a t i o n
The Online registration will be available on 16 April 2007

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