[Announce] LinuxChix miniconference at linux.conf.au: Planning

Mary Gardiner mary-linuxchix at puzzling.org
Tue Oct 3 01:42:29 UTC 2006

Hi all,

Linux Australia has announced
(<http://www.linux.org.au/blogs/entry.php?id=124>) that this year's
linux.conf.au will include a one-day LinuxChix miniconference before the
start of the main conference.

linux.conf.au will be held in Sydney Australia from January 15th–20th,
2007. More information is available at <http://lca2007.linux.org.au/>

The LinuxChix miniconference does not have a confirmed date yet, but
will likely be held on January 15 or 16 2007 in Sydney Australia. Our
one day will include a number of technical talks by women.

If you would like to help out with the planning, you are invited to join
the "women's linux.conf.au" list at

Everyone who is interested in helping out with this event is welcome to
join that list. If you're just interested in coming along, there's no
need to join: announcements about the activities and how to come along
will be sent to the other LinuxChix lists. But planning and coordination
will happen on wlca.


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