[Announce] PostgreSQL Event - Philadelphia, USA - Saturday, Oct 30th

Erin Mulder meara at alumni.princeton.edu
Wed Oct 13 17:39:18 EST 2004

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to pass along info for this free training event in Malvern, 
PA, USA (a western Philadelphia suburb).  It's on a Saturday, so it's 
probably doable as a day-trip for DC, MD or NY chix as well as the usual 

   PostgreSQL Administration & Tuning by Bruce Momjian
   Saturday, October 30, 2004
   Penn State Great Valley (Malvern, PA, USA)

PostgreSQL is a fairly powerful open source database that's become 
nearly as popular as MySQL, particularly among Linux users.  My company 
is sponsoring a free day of training given by Bruce Momjian -- one of 
the core PostgreSQL developers. (In other words, we're renting the space 
and providing food.  Bruce will be providing the Postgres mojo.)

The day is split into 2 sessions (plus a Q&A session):

  * Mastering PostgreSQL Administration
  * PostgreSQL Performance Tuning

The topics covered will be fairly meaty and advanced, so if you're not a 
regular database user, be sure to read up on the basics ahead of time.

If you're interested, sign up at the URL above to reserve a spot.  Feel 
free to email me if you need help with directions, transportation, etc.


PS. Please forward this to anyone else you think may be interested.  I'm 
afraid most of the UGs around here are dominated by men, so it would be 
nice to find a way to reach more women. :)

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