[Announce] Sydney Linuxchix: First meeting for 2004

Sue Stones suzo at spin.net.au
Thu Mar 18 15:17:26 EST 2004

The next meeting will be on 

WHEN: Saturday 20th March, 1-3pm.

WHERE TO MEET: We will be meeting at Basment Books in the tunnel underneath 
Railway Square (the big Central bus stop on George St / Broadway)

WHERE WE WILL GO: will be moving to Forrester's Hotel for the meeting.

CONTACT US: email me, or the Sydney Linuxchix list if you are intending to 
come and we will look out for you .

IF YOU ARE LATE: if you are likely to be late email me and I will give you my 
phone number, if you say you are coming then can't make it please try and 
tell someone so we don't spend ages waiting for you.  

You are welcome to join us.


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