[Announce] Chix at O'Reilly Open Source Convention (Portland, OR)

vani raja hansen vani at webchic.net
Wed Jul 21 12:50:09 EST 2004

I happened to check out the Chix at Conferences pages 
(http://www.linuxchix.org/content/chix/conferences/) and noticed that 
OSCON wasn't listed yet. :o)

Just in case no one has posted yet about being at OSCON 
(http://conferences.oreillynet.com/os2004/), I'd be happy to be the 
contact person. (Or, if you are the contact person, pls let me know.) 
Drop me an email, or reply to this thread if you're interesting meeting 

O'Reilly Open Source Convention
Portland Marriott Downtown, Portland OR
July 26th - 30th, 2004


Vani Raja Hansen
vani at webchic.net

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