[Announce] [Fwd: O'Reilly UG Program--Learning Lab Discount]

LinuxChix Coordinator jenn at linuxchix.org
Fri Sep 12 13:44:47 EST 2003

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: jenn at linuxchix.org
Subject: O'Reilly UG Program--Learning Lab Discount
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 17:01:29 -0700

Dear User Group Leader,

Special deal alert--we're offering a 50% discount on the Linux/Unix
Certification Series from the O'Reilly Learning Lab.  With this User
Group-only discount, your members can save nearly $1000 on these online
courses. And everyone who completes the four-course series earns a
University of Illinois System Administration Certificate. This offer
ends November 1, 2003.

Why Learning Lab? We partnered with Learning Lab two years ago because
we felt they'd created the best online learning environment we'd ever
seen. Every class includes compelling, hands-on content, root access to
a Linux server, an online coach, and a free O'Reilly book.

Want to let your members know about this special 50% discount?

To enroll for the the Learning Lab Linux/Unix Certification Series go
to: http://oreilly.useractive.com/linuxa/

Please use the code ORALL1

We've created a set of web site banners and text announcements
that you can use: http://ug.oreilly.com/banners/learninglab/

We hope your members find these courses a convenient, enjoyable way to
go 'Back to School.'


LinuxChix Coordinator <jenn at linuxchix.org>

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