[Announce][Fwd: Newsletter from the O'Reilly UG Program, November 6]

LinuxChix Coordinator jenn at linuxchix.org
Thu Nov 7 15:15:11 EST 2002

-----Forwarded Message-----

From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: jenn at linuxchix.org
Subject: Newsletter from the O'Reilly UG Program, November 6
Date: 06 Nov 2002 12:45:05 -0800

O'Reilly User Group Program
November 6, 2002

Spread The Word To Your Members...

Highlights This Week:
Book News
-JavaScript Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition 
-C# Language Pocket Reference
-Unix Power Tools, 3rd Edition
-MySQL Cookbook
-Learning Visual Basic .NET

Upcoming Events
-LISA '02, November 3-8, Philadelphia, PA
-OracleWorld, November 10-14, San Francisco
-Derrick Story, Two Northern California appearances, Nov. 14 & 16
-Lincoln Stein, November 14, Vancouver, BC
Conference News
-O'Reilly Bioinformatics Technology Conference Online 
Registration Is Open
-Put Up A Conference Banner, Get A Free Book
-Hotel Discount for the O'Reilly Bioinformatics 
Technology Conference
-New Safari Titles
-Will Mobile Games Sweep the Nation?
-The Making of "Effective awk Programming"
-PerlÆs True Success is in the Telling
-SquirrelMail, a Web-based Mail Server
-Looking for a .NET reference book?
-Inherit the Database
-XML and Web Sites
-Jakarta Struts: Seven Lessons from the Trenches
-Build Your Own Apache Server with mod_perl
-Mac Marks the Enterprise
-Building Your Personal Anti-Spam Strategy
Book News
Review books are available--please email me for a copy.
If you need your books by a certain date, please allow at least four
weeks for shipping.  Send or email me copies of your newsletters and
book reviews.

Don't forget, your members get 20% off any O'Reilly book they purchase
directly from O'Reilly. Just use code DSUG when ordering.

Press releases are available on our press page:

***Group purchases with better discounts are available***
Please let me know if you are interested.

***JavaScript Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition
Order Number: 4117
"JavaScript Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition" provides a complete overview
of the core Java language and client-side scripting environment, as
well as quick-reference material on core and client-side objects,
methods, and properties.  

***C# Language Pocket Reference
Order Number: 429X
Concise and easy to use, this handy pocket reference includes a guide
to C# language elements, a brief overview of the Framework Class
library, a cross-reference for namespaces and assemblies, a list of
compiler syntax and switches, a regular expressions reference guide,
and more.  

***Unix Power Tools, 3rd Edition
Order Number: 3307
The latest edition of this bestseller is loaded with vital information
on Linux, Darwin, and BSD. The book offers more coverage of bash, zsh,
and other new shells, along with discussions about modern utilities and

Chapter 28, "Saving Time on the Command Line," is available online:

***MySQL Cookbook
Order Number: 1452
"MySQL Cookbook" provides a unique problem-and-solution format that
offers practical examples for everyday programming dilemmas. For every
problem addressed in the book, there's a solution or "recipe," a short,
focused piece of code that you can insert directly into your

Chapter 3, "Record Selection Techniques," is available online:

***Learning Visual Basic .NET
Order Number: 3862
"Learning Visual Basic .NET" is a complete introduction to VB.NET and
object-oriented programming as well as fundamentals such as Visual
Studio .NET. Using hundreds of examples, the book demonstrates how to
develop various kinds of applications, including those that work with
databases and web services. This book assumes no prior programming
experience and will set you firmly on your way to mastering the
essentials of Microsoft's most popular .NET language.

Chapter 2, "Getting Started with Visual Basic .NET," is available online:

Upcoming Events
***LISA '02, November 3-8, Philadelphia, PA
If you're heading over to LISA '02, be sure to come to our "Meet the
Authors" event on Wednesday, November 6 from 6:00-7:00pm
Philadelphia Marriott, Booth #425 
Philadelphia, PA

***OracleWorld, November 10-14, San Francisco 
Moscone Center, Booth 539
San Francisco, CA

***Derrick Story, Two Northern California appearances, Nov. 14 & 16
Author Derrick Story ("iPhoto: The Missing Manual" and "Digital
Photography Pocket Guide") will be presenting at the following

November 14, 6:30pm
Napa Valley Macintosh User's Group
6:30pm at the Senior center
1500 Jefferson St.
Napa, CA

November 16, 10:00am
GravenStein Apple Users Group
O'Reilly & Associates
1005 Gravenstein Hwy North
Sebastopol, CA

***Lincoln Stein, November 14, Vancouver, BC
Author Lincoln Stein ("Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C")
discusses the nature of model organism databases, and describes the
design and implementation of an exemplar of this genre, WormBase.
Vancouver Bioinformatics Users Group 
6 to 8pm 
Chan Auditorium BC
Research Institute for Children's and Women's Health 
Vancouver, BC

For more events, please see:

Conference News
***Online registration is now open for the O'Reilly Bioinformatics
Technology Conference
This conference takes place at the Westin Horton Plaza in San Diego on
February 3-6, 2003.  

Early Bird Discount--
User Group members who register before December 16th, 2002 get a double
discount. Use code DSUG when you register, and you'll get 20% off the
"Early Bird" price.

To register, go to:

***Put Up A Conference Banner, Get A Free Book***
We are looking for user groups to display our conference banners on
their web sites. If you send me the link to your user group site with
our O'Reilly Bioinformatics Technology Conference banner, I will send
you the O'Reilly book of your choice.

Conference Banners:

***Hotel Discount for the O'Reilly Bioinformatics Technology Conference
To be eligible for the discounted hotel rate, you must identify
yourself as attending the "O'Reilly Bioinformatics Technology
Conference." The cutoff date for this discount is Friday, January 3,
2003 at 5:00pm PST.  Reservations requests will be accepted only on a
space- and rate-availability basis after the cutoff date.

News From O'Reilly & Beyond
General News
***New Safari Titles
Search, annotate, and read your favorite O'Reilly books on the Safari
Bookshelf. New Safari titles include: "JavaServer Pages, 2nd Edition,"
"Essential System Administration, 3rd Edition," "Learning Cocoa with
Objective-C, 2nd Edition," " Learning C#, Mac OS X for Unix Geeks," DNS
& BIND Cookbook," "Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic .NET,"
"HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, 5th Edition," and "Oracle PL/SQL
Programming, 3rd Edition." 

Get Your First 14 Days on Safari Free

***Will Mobile Games Sweep the Nation?
The golden age of mobile entertainment hasn't reached the U.S. yet, but
the first rays of potential are beginning to stretch over the horizon.
David Fox provides an overview of current games for smart phones.

***The Making of "Effective awk Programming"
This is a detailed chronicle of the challenges faced in translating an
O'Reilly book from Texinfo to DocBook, by Arnold Robbins, author of
"Effective awk Programming, 3rd Edition."

Effective awk Programming, 3rd Edition
Order Number: 0707

Open Source
***Perl's True Success is in the Telling
A look at how the "Perl Success Stories" phenomenon began, as well as
where to send your tales.

***SquirrelMail, a Web-based Mail Server
As remote computing increases in popularity, it's becoming harder for
regular users to send email. While running mail servers from customer
laptops is one solution, a good web mail package may be even easier. In
this article, Glenn Graham thinks SquirrelMail may be your best

***Looking for a .NET reference book?  
Check the Nutshell. Lamont Adams says that this book is incredibly
complete, and more convenient than the mammoth MSDN documentation, in
this Builder.com review of VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell.

VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell
Order Number: 2572

***Inherit the Database
Steven Feuerstein reviews object types and shows you how to build
object-type hierarchies with Oracle9i's support for inheritance. Steven
is the author of "Oracle PL/SQL Programming, 3rd Edition."

Oracle PL/SQL Programming, 3rd Edition
Order Number: 3811

***XML and Web Sites
John Simpson points to helpful resources for using XML to 
build web sites.  

***Jakarta Struts:
Seven Lessons from the Trenches Tips from the author 
of "Programming Jakarta Struts."

Programming Jakarta Struts
Order Number: 3285

***Build Your Own Apache Server with mod_perl
Apache Web Serving with Mac OS X

***Mac Marks the Enterprise
In this InfoWorld article, Jon Udell speculates on the marriage of Mac
and open source as a potential wellspring of innovation. 

For a complete list of O'Reilly's Mac books, be sure to check
out the Mac Resource center 

***Building Your Personal Anti-Spam Strategy
Spamfire developer shows how to fight back.

Until next time,

    "Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture 
        	you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.

jenn at anthill.echidna.id.au     http://anthill.echidna.id.au/~jenn/

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