[announce] Next Triangle LinuxChix meeting - CHANGE OF VENUE
Caitlyn M. Martin
caitlyn at netferrets.net
Tue Mar 7 08:28:24 EST 2000
Hi, everyone,
The next Triangle LinuxChix meeting will be a week from tomorrow, Wednesday,
March 15th. Our special guest speaker will be Tanner Lovelace, and he will
be giving us a primer on Linux security. Linux systems can be more secure
that Microsoft Windows-based systems, *IF* security is set up properly. One
of our members had her machine hacked. Learn how you can avoid this kind of
unpleasant experience, both at home and in the office.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I just learned that we have lost the Treybrooke Clubhouse
as a meeting venue due to remodeling. (Nice of them to warn us.) Anyway,
effective next week, we will be moving. As of April, we will be at the
UNC-Chapel Hill campus in the Department of Computer Science. I am trying
to confirm that is also available for March (It was two days ago, when we
thought we were set already.) As soon as I know and have directions I will
post them here and to the web site. Please DO NOT go to Treybrooke.
So... please do mark your calendars for next Wednesday. Snacks will be
served (please bring $3 for the snackgrrl). This is also a great chance to
network with other women geeks. So... plan on being in Chapel Hill next
Wednesday night.
I hope I'll see y'all there...
All the best,
Caity Martin
Triangle LinuxChix
Insane Chapter Organizer
announce at linuxchix.org http://www.linuxchix.org
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