[Actionchix] Don't forget to vote! - *Re-vote Title - your choices below - Closes FridaySept. 21st
zareason at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 18:53:05 UTC 2007
>1. ADA
That's the American Disabilities Association.
Besides that one, what a great list! Tough choice.
On 9/19/07, Selbak, Rolla N <rolla.n.selbak at intel.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> Just a quick reminder for those of you who haven't given her final vote
> on the title and motto, get your votes in soon!
> The official voting closes on Friday Sept. 21st...
> rs
> -----Original Message-----
> From: actionchix-bounces at linuxchix.org
> [mailto:actionchix-bounces at linuxchix.org] On Behalf Of Selbak, Rolla N
> Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 11:20 PM
> To: actionchix at linuxchix.org
> Subject: [Actionchix] *Re-vote Title - your choices below - Closes
> FridaySept. 21st
> Hey all,
> Below, I have tried to capture _all_ the suggestions for the mag title
> and motto that you've submitted and discussed so far. Here's what we'll
> do.
> ***Please vote on your top 3 choices for title, and top 3 choices for
> motto.
> These choices don't have to be unique if you really like a certain title
> or motto (e.g. if you really liked choice #15 for title, you could have
> all 3 of your votes be #15, and so on).
> There is also a choice entitled "[Need to poll ActionChix for more
> suggestions on title]". If you feel we really need to have more
> suggestions and you're not pleased with the selection, then choose this
> option. Again, you can choose this option for all 3 of your allotted
> votes, or just 1 or 2 of your votes if you like.
> The virtual voting boot will close Friday Sept. 21st, so get your votes
> in before then!
> ======
> ======
> 1. ADA
> 2. Alternative Computing: Linux
> 3. Alternative Computing With Linux
> 4. Anita
> 5. Antix
> 6. ChixBits
> 7. Free and Clear
> 8. Free Sugar/Free Shugar
> 9. Import this, free food for thought
> 10. Lazygurl
> 11. Life in the Free Zone
> 12. Linux Chronicles
> 13. Linux Opened
> 14. Linux Periodical
> 15. Linux Monthly
> 16. Linux Quarterly
> 17. Linux Tech
> 18. Linux Times
> 19. Linux User
> 20. LinuxChix Magazine
> 21. LNIXSphere
> 22. LNXCHX
> 23. *nux mag
> 24. OpenChix
> 25. O!pen: the Shared Technology Journal
> 26. O!pen: the Shared Technology Gazette
> 27. O!pen: the Shared Technology Circular
> 28. Open Source Decoded
> 29. Open Source Gazette
> 30. Open Source Magazine
> 31. Open Source Opened
> 32. Open Source Pages
> 33. Open Source Times
> 34. Our Commons (Our Commons, Our Selves)
> 35. PenGwen
> 36. The World Wise Woman Magazine
> 37. [Need to poll ActionChix for more suggestions on title]
> =====
> =====
> 1. "A technology magazine created by the LinuxChix community."
> 2. "A Linux Chix (tm) publication"
> 3. "An all-genders welcome emagazine"
> 4. "By Chix, for all"
> 5. "By Linux Women for the Tech World"
> 6. "Chix do open source* Opening doors for women in technology."
> 7. "Empowering women in technology"
> 8. "Gender is irrelevant when you're behind a keyboard"
> 9. "Of Linux users across globe, by Linuxchix, for all "
> 10. "The magazine for the IT women community."
> 11. "The open-tech mag for world-wise women."
> 12. "Your resource for syncing with Linux and the FOSS community"
> 13. [Need to poll ActionChix for more suggestions on motto]
> Thanks,
> rs
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