[Actionchix] *Re-vote Title - your choices below - Closes Friday Sept. 21st

Clytie Siddall clytie at riverland.net.au
Tue Sep 18 09:35:02 UTC 2007

On 18/09/2007, at 3:49 PM, Selbak, Rolla N wrote:
> Below, I have tried to capture _all_ the suggestions for the mag title
> and motto that you've submitted and discussed so far.  Here's what  
> we'll
> do.

Rolla, I really like the way you've handled this. You have a very  
well-organized mind. :)
> ***Please vote on your top 3 choices for title, and top 3 choices for
> motto.
> ======
> ======
> 6.  ChixBits

I like this. It reminds me of TidBits, an excellent Mac publication.  
And it gets us right up there in the public eye. While I can see the  
point of "no gender references", I think we should be proud that we,  
the Chix, are creating this. Why should we have to hide that?

> 7.  Free and Clear
Even though I suggested this one myself, I think it has utility  
because it emphasizes two of our key values. It's also easily  
translated. (For example, it looks good in Vietnamese. ;) )

I haven't chosen any of the "Linux" titles, because although our org  
is "Linux"chix, we actually use a wide variety of platforms,  
especially the UNIX variants (BSD, OSX, Solaris etc.). I don't think  
we want to limit our readers to Linux users. We might actually  
interest more people in Linux, by appealing to a wider audience.

Thinking about it, my only other suggestion is:

*nux for us
> =====
> =====
> 2.  "A LinuxChix (tm) publication"

> 8.  "Gender is irrelevant when you're behind a keyboard"

Heh, I rather like:

User: human() gender
Computer: invalid argument
User: human() cultural_background
Computer: invalid argument
User: human()
Computer: working


(or similar, possibly could put both "arguments" on one line to make  
it shorter)(this also translates well)

I'd also suggest:

Everyone's FOSS magazine


Puns popping into my head, for miscellaneous use (these do not  

Don't forget to FOSS

FOSS after every meal

For FOSSy users

Who's making that FOSS?

Rolling stones gather no FOSS
(for laptop and mobile users)

True or FOSS?

Your boss and FOSS

(I'm at a FOSS for words.)

from Clytie

Vietnamese Free Software Translation Team

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