[Actionchix] Discuss - ChixBits regular columns

Selbak, Rolla N rolla.n.selbak at intel.com
Fri Oct 5 20:37:45 UTC 2007

Hey all,

I know a lot of you have stellar ideas on regular columns we should have
in ChixBits.

So let's hear 'em!

This is the place to post your ideas on the regular columns we should
include in ChixBits.  It would also be nice if those who submitted the
ideas were also volunteering to write them  :)  Although this isn't
necessary of course.  Perhaps it's also good to have regular columns
that aren't attached to a certain writer, but just to a certain subject
matter or title.  Just an idea.

Either way, send your ideas and have your discussions by Friday Oct.
12th, which is when I'll compile the ideas for one last big vote (sort
of how we did for the Title and Motto).

My own personal ideas (I can't think of any cool titles, so I'll just
put descriptions):

- A column that covers and lists women-tech events
- Open Source project of the month
- Monthly feature on popular applications that you maybe not know use
open source software
- Popular Media: A column reviewing open source music, videos, etc.
- New Linux-based gadgets to watch out for
- Linux advice column (where users submit their questions, the columnist
answers them)



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