[Actionchix] Lat chance - please *VOTE* - ChixBits regular columns - closes Nov.30th

Gayathri Swaminathan gayathri.swa at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 17:52:22 UTC 2007

Hey Rolla:

Sorry did not send in votes promptly. Here are my  votes inline:

> >
> >1) How many regular columns should ChixBits have?  [CHOOSE ONE]
> >
> >A) 3
> >B) 4
> >C) 5
> >D) 6
> >E) Other (specify)


> >
> >2) Which columns should they be? [CHOOSE AS MANY AS YOU VOTED IN
> >QUESTION #1] - Also specify if you are volunteering for writing the
> >column on a regular basis.
> >

- A column that covers and lists women-tech events.

- Linux advice column (where users submit their questions, the columnist
answers them).

- Column on how children can use Linux: Covering what version of linux is
the most plug-n-play vs version of linux for tinkering, programs for various
ages, education programs for various ages, open-source projects geared
towards children, using linux to help with homework, playing games, etc.

- Fix it yourself - short how to on Linux utilities.

- Look before you upgrade - share experiences on upgrades to bleeding edge
OS / software upgrades.

- What's wrong with this picture?  (An examination of something
non-female-friendly in IT, its impacts, advantages of changing,
disadvantages of changing, not a rant, but a balanced, logical examination
of several sides of the issue, more identifying and exploring than requiring
action - designed to make people think and respect each other)

> >3) Regular columns will be published whenever-ready,
> >non-regular columns
> >will be published quarterly along with the most recent regular columns.
> >

A) Yes

Gayathri Swaminathan
gpgkey: 3EFB3D39
Volunteer, FDP

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