[Actionchix] Logo idea

Charlotte Oliver cmoliver at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 00:57:56 EST 2006

>> Also, as my husband pointed out when we discussed this, Linux
>> groups   usually have a logo that is some variation on Tux, e.g.
>> VietLUG has an unbearably cute logo of Tux in a "coolie" hat. ;)
>also, any logo with a human in it creates problems - skin colour - 
>hair colour - features - best left out

This is something I've been thinking about (since "flesh-toned" was
mentioned - which flesh tone would that be?).  Not having a solution, I kept
quiet, but Clytie's mention of a Tux with a coolie hat to represent VietLUG
sparked an idea.  

What about a Tux that's obviously female?  (i.e., a Tux with breasts?)

I do really love the image of the woman in the robotic Tux, but there are
certainly problems with having a person.  The woman does look awfully
European in genetic origin, even in monochrome, and I think it's in our best
interests to avoid any kind of exclusive imagery or imagery that suggests
that a Linuxchix looks a certain way.  Maybe we could still use it somewhere
else on the webpage, maybe for the courses webpage or HOWTOs?  



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