[Actionchix] LinuxChix as a legal entity

Mary Gardiner mary-linuxchix at puzzling.org
Fri Apr 7 14:50:56 EST 2006

On Fri, Apr 07, 2006, lawgon at thenilgiris.com wrote:
> i will give a model for a trust - which would be legal in India, and with
> a little tweaking, the rest of that part of the world that derives its law
> from the English Common Law. It would have to be registered in the country
> where the majority of the trustees reside

This strikes me as another vulnerability: if we had, say 3 trustees in
India and 2 in Australia, we're vulnerable to the entire trust being
invalid as soon as one of the trustees in India decides they don't want
to play anymore, if I understand what you're saying.

I realise that this might just be the legal fact of the matter and we
have to deal with it, but I am still remembering the hiccups of
2000/2001 and would be personally very keen to avoid relying on any
individual to remain contactable or friendly, or to give us warning when
they aren't going to be so any more if it is possible, legally.


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