[Techtalk] who are the heroes of Linux?

Jan rathgild at gmail.com
Thu Jun 7 00:23:49 UTC 2012

On 05/06/12 17:20, Carla Schroder wrote:
> Hiho,
> Sometime ago I wrote
> 'Unsung Heroes of Linux, Part One'
> https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/543893-unsung-heroes-of-linux-part-one
> At long last I am writing Part Two. So this is your chance to nominate your
> own fave hero or heroes of Linux. They have to be contributing to Linux in
> some way, and not some open source project that isn't Linux-related. Coders,
> artists, howtos authors, community managers, mentors, encouragers, musicians-
> the sky's the limit as long as they are contributors. I'm looking for people
> outside the usual Linus-Richard-Mark triangle, people who deserve some
> recognition.
> So fire away, and please include a sentence or two describing what they do.
> best,
> Carla

I can't name a single person that I would nominate as a hero of Linux, 
but I know that there are a huge number of them out there.  They are 
largely anonymous to the wider community, but they are the people who 
donate their time and their skills to promote Linux.  They give talks at 
LUGs, schools and other organizations, they turn up at install days with 
arms full of distro live CDs helping people to fit problems on equipment 
that is way less than top of the range.  They never, ever patronize the 
complete noobs, but point them in the direction of useful resource sites 
and forums, or give their own email addys and phone numbers out with the 
instruction to "mail/call if you get stuck".

I have at least 30 of these heros at my LUG and there are many more 
around the world.


Edinburgh LUG

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