[Techtalk] postfix

Maria McKinley maria at shadlen.org
Fri Aug 12 21:25:38 UTC 2011

Hi there,

Thought I'd see if anyone here had a clue about this before subscribing 
to the postfix mailing list. In my /etc/postfix/main.cf I have the 
following configuration:

# identity
myhostname = smtp.shadlen.org
mydomain = shadlen.org
myorigin = $mydomain

But if I check postconf or use a web mail client, postfix does not 
appear to be using my configuration:

ella:~# postconf -c /etc/postfix -d myorigin
myorigin = $myhostname
ella:~# postconf -c /etc/postfix -d myhostname
myhostname = ella.localdomain

Why is myorigin showing up as myhostname instead of what I have clearly 
configured to be mydomain? And myhostname seems to be coming out of the 
blue as well. Makes no sense! And yes, that is the only myorigin in the 
config file, and I have restarted postfix to make sure it loads the 
main.cf I am reading.


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