[Techtalk] ??? in lieu of Catalyst

Anne Wainwright anotheranne at fables.co.za
Tue Dec 14 12:31:57 UTC 2010


On my thread "[Techtalk] adsl and dyndns issues with changing IP
addresses" I commented that when I got my Catalyst app up and running
then these issues would be of only academic interest (but in the
meantime not, of course).

Some one emailed me, possibly direct, saying that maybe I should look
at ??? or ??? as these were simpler if less powerful web-based

Try as I can I cannot find that email, nowhere! not in the techtalk
folder, not in the newmail folder, not in the trash.  :(

If you read this, please won't you post me that info again, direct is
fine. I was in fact going to check the perlability of what you had
mentioned but then they were probably not Perl solutions.

Thanks so much.

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