[Techtalk] newsyslog naming scheme could be improved?

Garance A Drosehn gad at FreeBSD.org
Sat Oct 11 18:58:39 UTC 2008

At 9:33 AM -0700 10/11/08, Kelly Jones wrote:
>...but has anyone considered tweaking newsyslog to name files
>messages.2008-10-05-12-00-00.gz or something. IE, give them a
>constant name that doesn't change and then delete them after
>how many ever days?

It would be bad to change the default behavior, but there have
been several people who wished for some option for newsyslog
which would make it use some alternate naming scheme.  There's
at least one PR about it, for instance.

It is on my list of things to do, but I've had a long stretch
of time where I have too many things on that list.  I wouldn't
go for a naming scheme that's as long as the above suggestion,

Garance Alistair Drosehn     =               drosehn at rpi.edu
Senior Systems Programmer               or   gad at FreeBSD.org
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute;             Troy, NY;  USA

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