[Techtalk] Open Office Question

Mike kenziem at sympatico.ca
Fri May 25 23:45:05 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 23 May 2007 6:09 pm, Figaro wrote:
> Hello all.
> I have a big spreadsheet (3700 lines (about 14800 cells). I need to sort
> the data in reference to contents (country name) of a row (eg: 3) to
> generate a new listing.
> Now the usual >data>sort>Argentina will sort everything nicely for
> about 300 lines  the remainder is still sorted by first cell (alphabetic
> name convention). I have tried moving to next line not sorted the issue
> the >data>sort>... which again does something recognizable, however only
> for the succeeding 300 lines, and not in respect to previous sorted
> lines. So, I need help here. I am NOT a spreadsheet master, in fact
> detest the things

3700 lines is not all that large, but given how slow OOCalc runs on my machine 
it might take some time

Have you selected ALL the rows you want to sort?  

You could rearrange the data to put the sort field in the first column then 
save it as a comma separated file (CSV)  and use

 sort filename.csv > sortedfilename.csv  

Then bring the files back into the spreadsheet.  I've used this method on 
sheets that were 200,000  lines and needed to be sorted into several 

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