[Techtalk] editing of .asp files

wawa Fuentes joshuarpf at gmail.com
Sun May 6 10:34:32 UTC 2007

well..the OS doesn't matter for as long as you are using an editor where you
can be comfortable. But since I am a linux enthusiasts,my favorite is VI
version 7. It's the one with the tabbing feature. It covers everything from
syntax coloring, folding , and even scripting for the editor itself. Another
one feature of vi that I haven't  seen yet in other editors is when you use
ctags with it. What it does is it directly points your cursor to the file
function that you called, irregardless which file it is in. I don't know
what this is called, but it' seasy to use.

For example you have a php file that includes some other files that contains
functions. Of course you will have function calls on that file, now with
this, you there will come a time where you will need to edit a function.
What you do  with vi and ctags , is that you only need to open one file (the
file that contains the function calls), then you place your cursor to the
function call, and press "}". Doing this will instantly open the file that
contains the function on your active window, and automatically place your
cursor on the function itself.

I don't really know what this feature is called or what term they have for
this, but this is one thing that impressed me with VI. Another thing is that
since it is basically for touch typists, it is much easier and faster to use
as long as  you become familiar with it's commands.

I have been developing web applications for 2 years now , and have tried
different editors. Most of them are the same on many features except this
thing on vi.

On dreamweaver, you will also have the comfort in coding, but the thing is
that it seems to eat up your memory more than VI. The only thing that I like
about dreamweaver is it's "syntax autocompletion" or whatever you guys call
that thing that autocompletes your syntax. It really helps you avoid syntax
errors due to wrong spelling and all.

>From one developer to another, I would say that it is not on the editor. It
is how disciplined you are in writing your code in such a way that you won't
feel bombarded by your own code in times of debugging after you wrote those

On 5/6/07, Conor Daly <conor.daly-linuxchix at cod.homelinux.org> wrote:
> On Fri, May 04, 2007 at 11:27:36AM -0700 or so it is rumoured hereabouts,
> Cynthia Kiser thought:
> > Quoting Rudy Zijlstra <rudy at grumpydevil.homelinux.org>:
> > > Hello list,
> > >
> > > Does anyone here know of a good tool to edit web .asp files?
> > >
> > > So far the only tool we have found is "vim" or any other simple text
> > > editor. Is there something that understands .asp?
> >
> > Any basic text editor should work. To get syntax highlighting, you can
> > probably set up your text editor to thinkg .asp files are .html. For
> > example, in emacs, open the file and then type M-x html-mode (you may
> > also need M-x font-lock-mode for syntax highlighting).
> I don't know the syntax to do it in vim but, if you run gvim, then click
> on
>         Syntax -> 'Show filetypes in menu'
> and then click on
>         Syntax -> AB ->
> And choose the ASP type, you will get the syntax highlighting.
> There are two ASP types listed.
>         locate asp | grep vim
> gives me:
> /usr/share/vim/vim70/syntax/aspperl.vim
> /usr/share/vim/vim70/syntax/aspvbs.vim
> So, in vim, you do:
>         :set syntax=aspvbs
> to use the ASP with VBScript syntax.
> Oh look, I _do_ know how to do it in vim!....
> Conor
> --
> Conor Daly <conor.daly at cod.homelinux.org>
> Version: 3.1
> GCS/G/S/O d+(-) s:+ a+ C++(+) UL++++ US++ P>++ L+++>++++ E--- W++ !N
> PS+ PE Y+ PGP? tv(-) b+++(+) G e+++(*) h-- r+++ z++++
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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