[Techtalk] Auto-join invite-only channels in xchat

Valerie Henson val.henson at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 00:12:49 UTC 2007

On 5/31/07, Mary Gardiner <mary at puzzling.org> wrote:
> So, backing up a little: where do I put these commands? In a file? In
> what directory? With what permissions? [1] Does it run automatically
> when I join the server or do I have to type a command?

Argh, thanks!  i should have put that in the original email.  Yes, you
configure this on a per-server basis.  In xchat, you click on Xchat ->
Network List, then select the server you want.  Then click on "Edit"
and put the following in the "Connect command" text box:

LOAD -e ~/.xchat2/linuxchix_commands

Then put the commands in that file (you can put the file wherever you
want, I just put mine in .xchat2/ because it makes sense).  The
permission on my file are standard 644, so no execute bit needed.  The
commands are:

/msg nickserv identify <password>
/msg chanserv invite #invite-only
/msg chanserv info #invite-only
/join #invite-only

You should probably take out anything duplicated from the other
fields, like "Nickserv password".  I just moved all of that stuff,
including the channels to join, into my commands file - mine looks
like this:

/msg nickserv identify <password>
/msg chanserv invite #admin
/msg chanserv info #admin
/join #admin
/join #linuxchix
/join #grrls-only
/join #volunteers
/join #devchix

I really can't stand xchat's user interface, but love the
graphical-ness of it.  I suspect at some point I'll get around to
switching to irssi.


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