[Techtalk] ASSP

Linda de Boer ldb at swmbo.ca
Sat Jan 20 18:59:28 UTC 2007


Okay, I have definitely tried to fix this for too long. I have an assp 
install, ASSP 1.2.6. I want to run it as user "assp" group "assp" and 
therefore need the permissions on assp.cfg set to such. Every time I 
launch assp.pl, it resets the permissions. I have attempted to use the 
"$runAsUser" and "$runAsGroup" settings within the script but do not 
seem to be able to reset the permissions back and end up with it always 
owned by root. This keeps my web interface from  updating it.

If anyone has any advice or has lived through this, please let me know. 
I'm still looking/reading etc.

Thanks much, also for tolerating the stress cookie.............;-)


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