[Techtalk] [Perl] cgi.pm - save input in .html file

Michelle Murrain michelle at murrain.net
Tue Jan 9 18:22:04 UTC 2007

On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:59 AM, Chris Henderson wrote:

> I created a cgi file (test.cgi) which takes user input and shows at
> the bottom of test.cgi. I want the result to be saved to a .html file
> so the other people can view the result. I understand that I need to
> open a file handle and somehow write the input from test.cgi to that
> file handle but I am not too sure how.  Here's my code -

Open a file handle like:

open(FILE, "test.html") or print p, "Can't write to test.html";
# It's always a bad thing to just use "die" in cgi scripts

print FILE start_html('Page result');
print FILE h1('Test Results');

blah blah blah

close (FILE);

Basically, use the same type of code for printing to the file that  
you use for printing to a page. It will result in valid HTML.

Also, I always use object notation for the cgi.pm like:

my $q = new('CGI');
print $q->p("This is a test");

In this case, you'd then do print FILE $q->p("blah blah");

I find it makes things easier for me, but that's my own personal  

Michelle Murrain
michelle at murrain.net

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