[Techtalk] [Grrltalk] Chix Who Speak (or want to)

Akkana Peck akkana at shallowsky.com
Thu Aug 23 23:45:28 UTC 2007

I posted a few weeks ago soliciting entries for a "Chix Who Speak"
page, so that people can find us when they want speakers for
conferences, LUGs or other venues.

I have a first draft of the page now, but I only got four replies,
so we only have five people up there when I add myself. I bet we
have way more chix than that who have interesting stuff to say.
You don't need any major qualifications, just a little knowledge
and a willingness to stand up in front of people and share it.

The page so far: http://www.linuxchix.org/chix-who-speak.html

Anyone else? Send me your Name, Location, Areas of Specialty (i.e.
speaking topics), website (if any), contact email or url (you can
use the Drupal one if you have a Drupal account on the server, but
I think you have to change your options to "public" to let people
contact you that way even if they're not logged in), and a brief bio.

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