[Techtalk] Does anyone use emacs for email?

Angelina Carlton brat at magma.ca
Wed Jul 6 03:41:27 EST 2005

Ok I have some good news bad news :-)

The good, I found some example files on the net and redid my .gnus

before I paste it...

With the new file gnus now read my inbox mail but none of the mailing
list folders in ~/mail 

So basically it works but I need to tell it about mailing lists?

here is the relevant parts of the file..

;;; news and mail storage (back ends) -----------------------------------

;;; * if no server name is specified (for example, nnml ""),
;;;   groups for the server appear as nnml:foo
;;; * if a server name is specified (for example, nnml "name"),
;;;   groups for the server appear as nnml+name:foo

(setq gnus-select-method
   '(nntp "news.magma.ca" (nntp-port-number 119)))
(setq nntp-authinfo-file "/home/orchid/.authinfo")

(add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods '(nnml ""))

;;; mail sources --------------------------------------------------------
;;; access POP3 server via fetchmail; deliver to maildir structure
;;; sorted with procmail
(setq mail-sources
   '((maildir :path "/home/orchid/Mail/"
             :subdirs ("cur" "new"))))

So I need to add some more directories for all may mailing lists but
am not sure of the syntax

-----Angelina Carlton-----
orchid on irc.freenode.net
     brat at magma.ca

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