[Techtalk] slooow web surfing and many timeouts

Raquel Rice raquel at thericehouse.net
Sun Oct 10 17:09:55 EST 2004

On Sun, 10 Oct 2004 16:45:43 -0700
Carla Schroder <carla at bratgrrl.com> wrote:

> It's like buying lottery tickets- you must take the chance that
> someone will have a magical answer, like "Yes! MCI tripped over
> the plug, and the whole world is down!" A slim chance, yet a
> potential labor-saver.
> Thanks everyone, I am accumulated piles of damning data to flog my
> ISP with. It is literally the only one, so I'm stuck with them.

DSL just became available to us in February.  Part of the price for
living "out in the boonies".

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