[Techtalk] Drive Failures

Conor Daly conor.daly at oceanfree.net
Fri May 28 10:45:18 EST 2004

On Fri, May 28, 2004 at 08:31:19AM +0100 or so it is rumoured hereabouts, 
Telsa Gwynne thought:
> I was amazed to find both my RAID discs dying within hours of each
> other. This became less amazing when I found that the serial numbers
> were separated by two digits: they were from the same bad batch or
> something. Apparently this sort of thing happening is well-known to 
> everyone except me. 

I had two new drives fail similarly a year or so ago.  At work, we had a
30% failure rate on hard disks in a batch of 50 bought as a single

I guess raid disks should be bought from different suppliers, on different
dates and from different manufacturers!...

Conor Daly <conor.daly at oceanfree.net>

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