[Techtalk] Double-click selection of words in Firefox

Riccarda Cassini riccarda.cassini at gmx.de
Tue May 25 15:20:08 EST 2004

Hi everyone,

I have a tiny problem, not terribly important, but still enough of a
nuisance to make me try to draw on the infinite wisdom of this list:

Does anyone know if there is a way to configure the character set that
Mozilla/Firefox uses for selecting words when you double-click on them
in some plaintext page content - i.e. its notion of what a "word" is?
I wouldn't mind editing config files...

I've found that in other places (e.g. my favorite editor or terminal)
I can adapt the double-click-selection character set to my personal
preference by specifying some string of chars or regular expression in
the appropriate place, describing either what constitutes a word, or
the punctuation seperating words.

For example, if I have some text like

  ... KontoNr: 12345678, BLZ 10010010.

I'd like to extract only the pure numbers (without the trailing comma
or dot) by double-clicking on them, to then cut-and-paste them into
my online-banking form.  I know I could drag the mouse from the first
to the last digit to make the correct selection, but when doing so, I
often end up with the first or last digit missing, when the font size
is small...



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