[Techtalk] poll: fave Linux IMAP MUA

Conor Daly conor.daly at oceanfree.net
Sun May 16 20:58:31 EST 2004

On Sun, May 16, 2004 at 01:03:34PM -0600 or so it is rumoured hereabouts, 
Andrea Landaker thought:
> In fact, maybe that's something people could also respond to -- what cool 
> things do you do with your e-mail that make it faster, easier to read, or 
> otherwise nifty?

I use mutt to annoy my colleagues...

Well, not really.  I like it 'cos I do it over ssh from work to home.
'cos it does IMAP with work's MS Exchange server.  'cos it knows when it's
a mailing list.  'cos I can colour list mails a different colour to
personal.  'cos I can colour spam black on black.  (No, I can't really,
mutt won't accept black on black as a colour scheme...).  'cos it does
pretty threading.  'cos it uses vim for composing.  'cos I can write an
outgoing filter that looks for suggestions that there should be an
attachment and then asks why I didn't attach one.  (It'll ask me for this
message 'cos I'm not attaching anything.  'cos it annoys one of my
colleagues.  (Oops!  I wasn't going to use it for that reason [evil grin]...)

Conor Daly <conor.daly at oceanfree.net>

Domestic Sysadmin :-)
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