[Techtalk] Sendmail question #2

Conor Daly conor.daly at oceanfree.net
Mon Mar 29 22:47:04 EST 2004

On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 01:47:14PM -0500 or so it is rumoured hereabouts, 
Martin, Caitlyn thought:
> Hi, everyone,
> Here's an interesting one for you.  Our mail configuration has an inbound
> sendmail server, Exchange (not my worry, thankfully), and an outbound
> sendmail server.  SpamAssassin runs on the inbound server.  We have been
> receiving phishing e-mails with a spoofed management@<one of our domains>
> address.  My normal response would be to blacklist the address and be done
> with it.  Sadly, it isn't so simple.

I know you said you've inherited sendmail but is there a possibility that
you could use exim instead?  Reason I ask is SA-exim appears to be very
configurable for detecting and refusing spam at initial SMTP connection
SA-exim works by running a series of checks at SMTP connection time to
filter out spam and viruses _before_ they even get to your systems.  There
is a brief description of how it works at: 

comments on performance at:
and comments on sysadmin reluctance and win32 viruscheckers at:
The entire discussion thread is at:
Rick Moen, who proposes SA-exim, is a long-serving unix/linux sysadmin who
has been among the targets of some spammers' attacks in years gone by for
his anti-spam activities. 

Conor Daly <conor.daly at oceanfree.net>

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