[Techtalk] Evil alternate screens in gnome-terminal

jm jack at endofhistory.com
Fri Mar 26 20:54:53 EST 2004

Akkana Peck wrote:
> I was fiddling with gnome-terminal today trying to solve a mutt
> utf8 problem (long story), and was whining about gnome-terminal's
> evil mandatory alternate screens.  That's where you're reading a
> man page, say, and you get to the place that describes exactly
> what you were looking for, and you hit q so that you can try out
> the command on the man page .-- and the man page vanishes and all
> you see are the last few commands you typed.  The same problem makes
> it impossible to read the last page of any man entry, since that
> screen goes away if you don't have less prompt you.

Ignore this if I misunderstand the problem, but if the issue
is to keep the screen from clearing what it had been displaying after
you exit man (or after you view anything displayed by your default
pager), you can disable that by setting your $PAGER variable to
'less -X'.  Hope this helps someone...

Kind regards,
NP: silence

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