[Techtalk] Procmail filter

John Clarke johnc+linuxchix at kirriwa.net
Fri Mar 26 15:08:15 EST 2004

On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 07:52:42AM -0800, Poppy Casper wrote:

> I'm getting so many of these viruses that I'd like to set up a
> procmail filter to throw everything with a .pif attachment into my junk
> folder.

I posted a solution to this a couple of weeks ago.  This is the procmail

    # check for nasty attachments - .pif, .scr, .exe
    :0 W
    | $HOME/bin/viruscheck.pl

and viruscheck.pl is attached.


If you want to watch [a hard drive] die a slow agonizing death, whilst
incoveniencing the maximum number of your lusers, install it in the
part of your news spool that handles alt.sex.*
       -   Brian Kantor
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Expects a multipart message on STDIN.  Checks for attachments named
# *.pif, *.scr, *.exe which are usually viruses.  Returns 1 if no attachments
# with such names are found, 0 if one or more is found.  This allows it to
# be run as a delivering recipe in .procmailrc - any virus will be discarded
# and legitimate mail will be delivered by rules which follow.
use strict;

my ($line, $nasty, $boundary);

sub parse_headers
    my $content_header;

    $content_header = "";
    while (1)

        if ($line =~ /^Content-(?:Type|Disposition):/)
            chomp($content_header = $line);
        elsif ($content_header and $line =~ /^\s/)
            chomp($content_header .= $line);
            $content_header = "";
        $nasty = 1
            if ($content_header =~ /(?:;|\s)(?:file)?name="[^"]+\.(?:pif|scr|exe)"/);
        $boundary = "\Q$1\E"
            if (!$boundary and $content_header =~ /(?:;|\s)boundary="([^"]+)"/);

        $line = <STDIN>;
        last if !defined($line);
        chomp $line;
        last if $line eq "";

sub parse_body
    my $next_part;

    $next_part = 0;
    while (!$next_part)
        $next_part = 1 if $line =~ /^--$boundary$/;

        $line = <STDIN>;
        last if !defined($line);
        chomp $line;

$nasty = 0;
$boundary = "";

$line = <STDIN>;
chomp $line;

while ($line)
    last if $nasty;

    last if $nasty;

# read the rest of the message and discard (stops 'broken pipe' errors)
while ($line = <STDIN>)

exit !$nasty;

# Alternate version using MIME::Parser.  I can't remember why it's commented
# out - possibly because MIME::Parser wasn't available on the machine I 
# wanted to run this on, but it could have been because it didn't work. 

#use MIME::Parser;
#my ($parser, $entity, $part, $filename, $nasty, $IO, $line, $content_header);
#$nasty = 0;
## create the parser
#$parser = new MIME::Parser;
## tell it not to store files on disc
## and parse the input stream
#$entity = $parser->parse(\*STDIN) or die "parse failed\n";
## if not multipart then no attachment, so OK
#exit 0 if !$entity->is_multipart();
## now deal with each part
#foreach $part ($entity->parts)
#    # get the name of the attached file
#    $filename = $part->head()->get('Content-Type');
#    if (defined($filename) and $filename =~ /name=".*\.(?:pif|scr|exe)"/)
#    {
#        # is a nasty attachment
#        $nasty = 1;
#        last;
#    }
#    $filename = $part->head()->get('Content-Disposition');
#    if (defined($filename) and $filename =~ /name=".*\.(?:pif|scr|exe)"/)
#    {
#        # is a nasty attachment
#        $nasty = 1;
#        last;
#    }
#exit $nasty;

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