[Techtalk] Re: dict format

dominik.schramm at gmxpro.net dominik.schramm at gmxpro.net
Sat Mar 20 20:36:09 EST 2004


sorry, I lost the original email, that's why I'm replying to the
archive entry without a reference header.

Avery Ke wrote: 

> As I said above, I often pull up a dozen or so words that match my
> text. It would be *much* easier to use this in dict, but I don't see
> a simple way to convert it.
> If anyone could give me tips on converting to dict form, I'd be
> thankful.

Has this already been answered?
Your question reminded me that I wanted to try this out some time, 
too. And since I'm an Esperantist myself, I simply started with 
the same dictionary. :-)

There are conversion programs available in the package dictfmt at

or as part of your Linux distro (at least Debian has it).

dictfmt is one of the aforementioned programs, and it accepts 
dictionaries in the format (actually in some others as well, but I
didn't look further):

  definition (indented by one or more spaces or tabs)

I converted the file with the following perl script:

while (<STDIN>)
        m/^([a-z]+)[ \t]*([-!?a-zA-Z])[ \t]*([-!?a-zA-Z])[ \t]*(.*)$/;
        print "$1 ($2, $3)\n",
              "   $4\n";

Unfortunately so far it doesn't work, but this seems to be the way.

hope this helps

Dominik Schramm <dominik.schramm at gmxpro.net>
pgp key via http://www.cam.ac.uk.pgp.net/pgpnet/wwwkeys.html

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