[Techtalk] Gender as a weapon? Pen-testing and female auditors

Devdas Bhagat devdas at dvb.homelinux.org
Wed Mar 17 21:53:27 EST 2004

On 17/03/04 13:38 +1100, Sue Stones wrote:
> Actually I don't know what pen testing is, but I get a general idea from this 
> thread.  It sounds to me like the sort of job that I souldn't be prepared to 
For those who do not know it already, pen-test stands for Penetration
This is basically white/grey hats breaking into your systems to test if
your security measures are appropriate and good enough.
It is a way of finding out where you have holes in your defenses, and
how to fix those holes.
Penetration testing can range from simple blackbox testing (just remote
attacks like port scanning, network mapping, vulnerability scanning,
attempting to break in into various public services, etc) to full
fledged penetration testing (which is where the social engineering comes

Devdas Bhagat

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