Fw: [Techtalk] undeletable files

James Sutherland jas at spamcop.net
Tue Mar 9 11:48:57 EST 2004

On Tue, 9 Mar 2004 00:46:35 +0530, Devdas Bhagat 
<devdas at dvb.homelinux.org> wrote:

> I talked to a friend at ev1. He says there is no such employee there.
> Also, the headers appear to indicate some name spoofing.
> (Before anyone else responds with flames for asking a Windows question)

Since they're an ISP, I suspect the original poster is just a *customer* 
of theirs;
the headers look reasonable to me (the multiple Received lines from 
linuxchix look
like the results of passing through a virus scanner, then Mailman, then 
the virus
scanner again). Yes, it came from a Grande Communications connection via 
mail server, rather than an ev1.net, but upgrading from dialup (ev1.net) 
to a cable
modem (Grande) while keeping your old e-mail address on isn't exactly 
unusual where


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