[Techtalk] simple mail filtering via whitelist - suggestions?

John Clarke johnc+linuxchix at kirriwa.net
Sun Mar 7 15:55:02 EST 2004

On Sat, Mar 06, 2004 at 10:58:50 -0500, Travis Casey wrote:

> I've googled already, and found a ton of stuff on blocking spam with
> procmail... but nothing that showed how to simply do *just* a whitelist.

How about something like this as a starting point:

    # any address in ~/.whitelist is OK
    * ? (formail -cx From: | grep -iqwf ~/.whitelist)

    # forward anything else to Dad for filtering (replace 'dad' with
    # your local email address)
    ! dad

Note: I haven't tested these rules.

Procmail processes each rule in order until the mail is delivered by a
rule, at which point procmail exits.  The first rule uses the exit code
of the formail+grep to determine whether to deliver the mail to
$DEFAULT, (/var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME).  If formail+grep returns 0, the
message is delivered and processing stops.  If formail+grep returns
non-zero, the message is passed to the second rule, which
unconditionally forwards it to 'dad'.

The formail command extracts (-x) the 'From:' header from the message,
concatenating (-c) any continuation lines into one.  It then pipes the
header into grep, which does a quiet (-q), case-insensitive (-i) full
word (-w) match against strings in the file (-f) ~/.whitelist.  If a
match is found, grep returns 0, and so the message is delivered into


People wonder why the sysadmin is on occasion slightly stressed. Well,
maybe if Mickeysoft stopped treating us like mushrooms we'd be in a
better position to BEAT THEIR BLOODY CORPSES^W^W software into working
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