[Techtalk] Re: getline bug or doing it all wrong g++

John Clarke johnc+linuxchix at kirriwa.net
Tue Mar 2 23:24:02 EST 2004

On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 01:06:50 -0800, Tintin J Marapao wrote:

> I actually didn't declare it that way; Sorry about the sloppiness. I 
> actually had an array of char*s and meant to say the first value (index 
> of 0) in the char *test[];

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to say.  Why don't you
post the actual code you're using?  It'll be much easier to help if you
do that.

> I guess it should go :
> char *test = "hello world";
> ifstream in;
> (!in.eof())
> ...
> cout << test << endl; //correct result - prints hello world
> in.getline( line, delimiters);
> cout << test << endl; // prints the value of line!!

That still doesn't help.  How did you declare line?  If it was simply a
char pointer, did you initialise it?  What's the definition of
delimiters?    Give me code that compiles and links but doesn't work
and it'll be a lot easier to spot the problem.

> Thanks anyway!

I'm happy to help, but I'd be even happier with the actual code that
doesn't work :-)


> after [6809 assembler], C++ was like programming in a rat maze while
> blindfolded and wearing a straitjacket
What do you mean "after that"? That's what C++ *is* like. 
            -- Peter da Silva

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