[Techtalk] winmodem hsfconfig problem

Almut Behrens almut-behrens at gmx.net
Sat Jun 12 18:10:23 EST 2004

On Fri, Jun 11, 2004 at 08:35:02PM +0200, Gebhard Dettmar wrote:
> when I run 'make install' everything's fine (could send you the output, if
> needed) but then I am to run 'hsfconfig' and doing this gives me the
> message
> --snip--
> bad interpreter: no such file or directory

This is occasionally caused by a trailing carriage-return character
(ASCII 13) in the shebang line. In this case, the loader would try to
look for an interpreter "/bin/sh\r", which of course doesn't exist.
                  (note the \r  ^^ )

This typically happens when, at some time, Windows was involved while
editing or transferring the file (e.g. FTP-downloading the script under
Windows in FTP ASCII mode, or something like that...).

To check, you could for example do a 'less -u' on the script. This
causes special characters to be displayed (carriage-return: ^M ), i.e.
you'd see


'less' in normal mode, 'cat', and many editors do not display
\r-characters, so they often go unnoticed, until weird things happen...

Use 'dos2unix' (or some similar tool) to convert the line endings to
unix style.

Just an idea...


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