[Techtalk] PGP siging mail

Teri Solow tsolow at terisolow.com
Mon Jun 7 00:12:18 EST 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, Jun 06, 2004 at 10:28:20AM -0700, jm said:
> Signing work email involves a considerable amount of user-education
> and is hard w/o a supportive infrastructure (i.e., everyone using a
> good email client, etc). But if you do want to sign all your work
> email (there are many good reasons to, obviously) I'd suggest
> "signing inline" (the old style, where the sig is embedded in the
> message body), not multipart/signed - at least that way you can
> be sure all clients will be able to read the mail, and all you
> have to deal with are complaints of "What's all this crap at the
> beginning and end of your email? You must have a virus!!" :P

Luckily for me, most of the people I work with use Linux.  We're an
academic environment, and work with other academic institutions.  We
are also government funded, so all the code we produce is theoretically
open source (And it will be one day!  Just as soon as someone cleans
it up enough to be useful to anyone who doesn't have our specifc

Anyway, I'm relatively sure that there is at least a subset of people
I will email at work who won't freak out if they recieve signed mail;
and coincidentally all the mail from the other people goes into a
separate mailbox so I can simply not sign it with a folder hook.  I'll
probably try it though, and see what happens/who yells at me.  :)

Hopefully those mailing lists won't strip out the multipart/signed
attachments, heh.  I don't think they will, as people send other,
larger, much more annoying attachments via the lists almost all the
time  :)

- -- 
(n_	Teri Solow
//\	http://terisolow.com

I wonder if I ought to tell them about my PREVIOUS LIFE as a COMPLETE
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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