[Techtalk] iPod with Linux - again

John Clarke johnc+linuxchix at kirriwa.net
Mon Jul 12 10:02:44 EST 2004

On Mon, Jul 12, 2004 at 12:24:26AM +0100, David Sumbler wrote:

> Usually when I put the iPod into its dock, (which is connected to the
> firewire card on my FC1 box), and always when I try to mount it on
> /mnt/ipod, I get messages such as:
> sda: Unit Not Ready, sense:

If you try to mount it a second time, does it then work?  I find that
it takes two attempts to mount successfully.  The first wakes the iPod
and start the disc spinning, but it's not fast enough and the driver
times out.  The second attempt succeeds because the disc is already

> Also, what would a suitable entry in /etc/fstab be?

    [johnc at dropbear ~]$ grep ipod /etc/fstab 
    /dev/sda2         /mnt/ipod           auto    noauto,user,nosuid  0 0


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