OpenOffice: Adding icons to the toolbar (was Re: [Techtalk] wizards: how do I...)

Tracey Clark grrliegeek at
Mon Jan 19 11:19:04 EST 2004

And it was said by Sue Stones-->
> Thanks for that Tracey.  I have done as you suggested.  Once I figgure
> out how  to use it I will no doubt use it from time to time.
> Eventually I will have  to use it regularly.

You're welcome :) I've long been a big fan of customizing the toolbars.
This makes my programs much easier to use. I'm very glad I got used to
inserting formulas with the insert funciton, my math homework now looks

> My poor brain isn't copeing that well with teh whole list of new things
> I am  expecting it to get uesed to.  So I keep forgetting things as I
> don't use  them for long enough to get tehm into long term memory.  But
> ....

Getting used to a whole new operating system and/or software suite is
definnitely a learning experience. Don't be too hard on yourself :) We
had a discussion many moons ago about what we each do to remember those
commands and procedures that prove to be useful but that we might not use
every day. I personally keep a "little black book" of useful commands,
and a copy of it goes into a text file.

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