Patching (Re: [Techtalk] mutt config issue: copying instead of moving messages)

Terri Oda terri at
Mon Aug 16 19:41:18 EST 2004

On Aug 16, 2004, at 7:27 PM, Riccarda Cassini wrote:
> Just in case anyone should perceive the same need as I did, I'd of
> course be happy to share further instructions - though, if you want a
> proper patch (you know, that thing that people send in when they say
> they're "submitting a patch"), you'll have to tell me how to create
> it... my local guru just went on vacation ;-)

Congrats on solving your problem!  Isn't open source great? :)

I'm not in need of a patch, but in case someone else is, here's a short 
tutorial on making and applying patches:

As you can probably guess from the URL, this was part of Val's kernel 
hacking lessons.  It's my favourite easy explanation of patching.  You 
don't need to read the rest of the lessons or know anything about 
kernel hacking (or even *want* to know) for this to be useful to you!


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